Cancer Fighting Lifestyle - Page 8 of 11 | NFCR Blog

Cancer Fighting Lifestyle

Yoga for Insomnia, Anxiety and Socializing in Cancer Patients

A discipline consisting of movements through a sequence of postures in coordination with focused breathing, yoga’s documented benefits include increased flexibility, better strength, lowered blood pressure and the reduced severity of insomnia. Many people attribute recovery from depression and anxiety to the regular practice of yoga. Could its practice be…...

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Holidays with Cancer: Boost the Holiday Spirit with Science and Singing

Autumn leaves have fallen and soon families will be seated around a warm table for Thanksgiving dinner. It won’t be long before the holiday season is back in full swing. Christmas trees will be illuminated, stockings will be hung and families will be gathering in celebration. However, having a cancer…...

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A Healthy Thanksgiving

Keeping a healthy and balanced diet is a year-long hassle, but many people grant themselves a bit of leeway around the holidays. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, the warm aroma of turkey and gravy is making nearly everyone anxious for the day of guilt-free indulgence. Unfortunately, there is likely…...

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Exercise and Cancer Patient Well-Being

Thanks to extensive research carried out by scientists worldwide, cancer diagnoses are increasingly met with positive prognoses. The question of “if” the patient will survive is more often being replaced with “how” they will survive....

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All in Moderation: The Power of Exercise and Diet Choices

In 2018, there will be an estimated 1.7 million new cases of cancer in the United States. Over 600 thousand people will die from the disease. Over $140 billion will be spent for national cancer care. With all of this being said, over 70% of all cancers have their roots…...

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Exercise for Sarcoma Patients

Exercise and stretching are important for everyone and at all times. They are especially key after being diagnosed with sarcoma....

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3 Quick Cancer Prevention Tips for the Summer

Summer is here!  Fire up the grill, put on your white pants and celebrate outside with friends and family—right after reading these three quick cancer prevention tips. #1. Wear sunscreen  If you’re like many Americans, your skin probably hasn’t seen the light of day since Labor Day 2017, so you…...

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Cancer Friendly Summer Activities

Summer is a time of free expression, celebration and outdoor engagement, regardless of cancer. It’s true that energy may be lacking, spirits low and strength minimized when dealing with cancer, but there are still fun ways to engage in summer activity and experience the joys which summer facilitates. In fact,…...

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It’s Officially Summer: Skin Cancer Prevention Tips

Many people consider summertime to be their favorite season, and why wouldn’t they? The temperatures are higher, the days are longer and the sun is brighter. Summer brings a multitude of recreational activities to choose from and, overall, a more relaxed way of living for a little while. However, increased…...

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Man Up: June Is Men’s Health Month

“Even in the face of better, more accessible detection and prevention programs, we need men to recognize and adopt healthier lifestyles,” said President Bill Clinton when he proclaimed Men’s Health Week over 20 years ago. “No health care policy can replace the benefits that American men would reap from this…...

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