Cancer Fighting Lifestyle - Page 3 of 11 | NFCR Blog

Cancer Fighting Lifestyle

10 Ways to Embrace Positivity in 2021

As Americans gathered around to watch the annual ball drop, most people were relieved to finally bid farewell to the unprecedented year of 2020. The year had been exceptionally challenging in every way imaginable – financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Though it was truly amazing to see people and organizations…...

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Family Health History: Talk with Your Loved Ones This Holiday Season

From marriage proposals to politics, many topics are discussed around the holiday dinner table. This year, make sure to talk with your loved ones about your family health history to help better understand your unique health risks. The holiday season is approaching. As you get together with loved ones —…...

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Cancer: There’s An App for That (2020 Update)

To keep the NFCR community up to date with the best tools of technology, the team has compiled a list of the best apps for cancer patients in 2020. In 2017, National Foundation for Cancer Research reviewed some of the best cancer apps available for patients and their families. From…...

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Diabetes and Cancer: What’s the Link?

Medical professionals have come to understand that diabetes, especially Type 2 diabetes, is linked to a variety of diseases. The high blood glucose from diabetes can damage the blood vessels and nerves that control the heart and blood vessels, increasing the likelihood of developing heart disease and kidney disease. However, researchers have…...

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10 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Health Today

Every year since 1928, Americans recognize Child Health Day on the first Monday in October. Child Health Day is a day in which all agencies and organizations interested in child welfare unite to bring awareness to the importance of child health. From planning a safe and healthy pregnancy to ensuring…...

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Employment Rights for Cancer Patients, Survivors, and Caregivers

A cancer diagnosis will change a lot about someone’s life…but does it impact their career as well? In many cases, cancer patients require a lot of time off of work to attend appointments. Aside from simply receiving treatment, many patients are unable to continue working as normal because of the…...

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Vaccine Within Sight: COVID-19 Vaccine Entering Phase 3 Trials

Good news! Biotech company Moderna Inc. and government scientists at the National Institutes of Health report promising early results for coronavirus vaccine testing, currently in Phase 2 trials. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine announced successful immune responses in all people who received the vaccine in…...

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Horses Can Heal: 5 Reasons to Try Equine Therapy

July 15th marks Horse Appreciation Day – a day in which people across the country admire one of the earth’s most majestic creatures. Read more about how horses can help heal cancer patients and their caregivers. Horses have a longstanding working relationship with humans, from being an early form of…...

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