Cancer Fighting Lifestyle - Page 6 of 11 | NFCR Blog

Cancer Fighting Lifestyle

New Study Suggests Strong Social Support Can Improve Cancer Outcomes

Study conducted by researchers at Kaiser Permanente found women diagnosed with colorectal cancer who had low social support before diagnosis were more likely to succumb to their illness. A new study from researchers at Kaiser Permanente sheds light on the importance of social support for women diagnosed with colorectal cancer.…...

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10 Ways Your Diet Can Reduce Your Cancer Risk

March is deemed National Nutrition Month – a month dedicated to focusing on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. A healthy diet can impact many areas of health. A poor diet can increase the risk of the six most common types…...

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Get Healthy in the New Year: How to Make Resolutions that Stick

There’s something about tossing the old calendar and instating a new one that encourages people to finally make some changes for the better. Last year, a huge majority of Americans made the resolution to get healthier by dieting, exercising, or simply losing weight. Other popular resolutions included kicking cigarettes and…...

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Celebrate Healthy Weight Week in 8 Simple Steps

January is a particularly difficult time to remain healthy and active in many parts of the United States. The days are short, the air is harsh, and the skies are grey. Many Americans prefer to sit under a cozy blanket in front of the television with warm comfort foods in…...

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Cross Training: Unlock Your Athletic Potential

Everyone has a favorite type of exercise. Some people walk into their gym, do a few miles on the treadmill, and call it a day. Others may find themselves getting their 30 minutes a day by playing sports or from a mindful yoga practice. While there isn’t necessarily a wrong…...

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