Cancer Fighting Lifestyle - Page 7 of 11 | NFCR Blog

Cancer Fighting Lifestyle

10 Ways to Manage Stress to Reduce the Spread of Cancer

It might seem normal to constantly worry and feel stressed after receiving a cancer diagnosis. After all, it is a stressful time in life. However, research has shown that stress can negatively impact overall health issues. Stress can cause mental health and influence the uptake of unhealthy behaviors. Studies have…...

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Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day

Busy lives and hectic work schedules tend to leave little time to prioritize health care. Many people are willing to eat their greens and nurture their cold symptoms, but scheduling routine appointments with a physician often becomes too much of a burden. Visiting a doctor regularly is an important aspect…...

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Study links dietary fat consumption to breast cancer survival rate

It is undisputed that diet and nutrition are linked to the cause and perpetuation of cancer. Today, America faces an increasingly prevalent medical issue that affects more than 30% of its citizens: obesity. The number of obese Americans has dramatically increased in the past several decades, and if current trends…...

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Are Firework Pollutants Harming your Health?

The entire country lights up the sky every year over the Fourth of July weekend to celebrate freedom and independence. Whether viewed over a lake or over a city skyline, watching the twinkling skies is a beloved tradition by young and old alike. In recent years, however, studies have been…...

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Circadian Rhythm, Sleep and a Link to Cancer

For many, working a night shift is a regular part of life. While most of the world operates on a 9-5 business model, a surprising number of businesses and services operate outside of “normal” hours. Hospitals need medical professionals, buildings need security and scores of drivers and workers need 24-hour…...

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Heart Health and Cancer

A cancer diagnosis is a massive burden across almost every aspect of someone’s life, and recent studies have highlighted one statistic which should not be taken lightly: Individuals battling the disease have an increased likelihood of heart problems. In fact, heart problems are ranked as one of the most common…...

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Women’s Health Week Challenge

While mothers across the country yesterday were rightfully loved, honored and spoiled, the day also marked another special celebration: the kickoff of Women’s Health Week, which is being recognized through May 18th. This week is an opportunity to encourage women from coast to coast to celebrate their health and to…...

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Is Sunscreen Safe?

Sunscreen has been the poster child for melanoma prevention since the mid 1900s. Since discovering the relationship between sun exposure and melanoma, medical professionals have strongly advised the public to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen whenever skin is exposed. In fact, when asked how to most effectively prevent cancer, a large…...

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