Stories that Inspire Archives - Page 3 of 6 - NFCR

Stories that Inspire

Feliz Navi-dog: How One Pup Brings Holiday Cheer to Cancer Patients

As the holiday season approaches, there seems to be an increase of generosity and selflessness amongst the general public. Everyone seems to be in a giving frame of mind as the holiday cheer embraces them. People are more receptive to donating to charitable causes or volunteering their time to improve…...

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Faces & Voices of Cancer In-Depth: Dr. Pam Davis, Wellbotics Founder

Dr. Pam Davis has had a passion for technology and academic research since she was young. She earned a doctorate degree in instructional media and technology from Columbia University and became a technology teacher. After teaching for more than 20 years, Dr. Davis’s passion for robotics and technology had to…...

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Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Ella’s Story

For all of the celebrations that come with parenthood, there are also many unique challenges. Though these challenges differ from one family to another, all parents share the ultimate goal of keeping their children healthy and happy. September, nationally recognized as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, shines a spotlight on one…...

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How Cancer Kick-Started a Lymphoma Survivor’s Business Idea

When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, friends and family want to do something to show their support and care for the patient. This often includes sending flowers, a card or cooking meals for the patient and their family. Unfortunately, many patients are immunosuppressant while going through cancer and…...

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Blindsided by Thyroid Cancer: Brittany’s Story

Next month, we acknowledge Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month through September. Thyroid cancer is one of the most curable cancers. It has a 95% five-year survival rate and can typically be removed with surgery. Though many individuals diagnosed with thyroid cancer may feel optimistic about their treatment, there are still countless…...

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Faces & Voices of Cancer—In-Depth: Andrea Andrade

If anyone met Andrea Andrade today, they would be introduced to a beauty pageant queen, motivational speaker, philanthropist and cancer advocate. She’s volunteered and donated to cancer centers in her hometown of Fresno, California and buys wigs for women going through chemo. What you may not know is the incredible…...

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Faces & Voices of Cancer—In Depth: Dr. Joshua Mansour

Dr. Joshua Mansour has spent his time in hospitals since he was a young teenager. In his middle school years, he volunteered in hospitals and clinics around his hometown of Los Angeles. His early passion for medicine led him to his current practice as an oncologist and hematologist who specializes…...

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Faces and Voices of Cancer—In Depth: Desiree Maldonado

Desiree Maldonado’s story began around Thanksgiving 2014. She received a notice in the mail for her annual mammogram. It’s the holidays, Desiree thought as she tore it up and threw it in the trash, I don’t have time for this. A couple of years earlier, doctors found dense tissue in…...

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Faces and Voices of Cancer—In Depth: Tara Dunsmore

Being given a devastating diagnosis doesn’t have to mean your life is over and Tara Dunsmore is proof of that. Diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 39, she was aware of what the prognosis was: not good. As a nurse she had seen firsthand the toll cancer takes…...

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