Brain Cancer Archives - Page 2 of 4 - NFCR

Brain Cancer

New Brain Scan Technology Can Improve Tumor Removal

Any illness or disease that impacts the brain is highly complex. None more so than brain tumors, which affect over 20,000 Americans each year. While surgeons have become more advanced in the removal of brain tumors, experts continue to face extreme challenges in ensuring all cancerous tissues are removed during surgery. That…...

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Research Highlight: Preventing Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis

National Foundation for Cancer Research funded researcher Dr. Daniel A Haber recently unearthed an exciting discovery that may add years to the lives of late-stage breast cancer patients. Dr. Haber is fascinated by understanding drug resistance on a deeper level by studying individual tumor cells in patients’ blood. In December…...

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GBM AGILE – Changing the Way We Fight Brain Cancer

GBM survival rates have not improved in any meaningful way in over 30 years despite desperate efforts. Glioblastoma Multiforme, referred to simply as GBM, is the deadliest type of brain cancer. GBM is widely regarded as incurable and universally fatal, killing 95% of patients within five years of diagnosis. It is…...

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Treating Brain Cancer: What You Need to Know

Though the chance of developing brain cancer is quite rare, it is ranked as the tenth leading cause of death for both men and women. Despite being one of the most common cancers amongst children, brain cancer is relatively rare amongst the general population. In fact, the chance that a…...

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A Major Milestone! Global Coalition Launches World’s First Adaptive Clinical Trial Platform for Glioblastoma

Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is the deadliest and most aggressive form of brain cancer for which there is currently no cure. This often-fatal brain cancer accounts for 45% of all malignant brain tumors and 12,000 cancer diagnoses per year in the United States, in addition to tens of thousands more around…...

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