Cancer Awareness Archives - Page 6 of 13 - NFCR

Cancer Awareness

UV Safety Month: What role does vitamin D play?

With abundant beach days comes constant reminders to frequently reapply sunscreen to protect against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. But as July is amongst the most dangerous month for UV exposure, it has been named UV Safety Month to promote safe and healthy sun protection habits. UV radiation is a type of…...

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Survivor’s Guilt: The Ongoing Battle

Cancer drugs effective at prolonging life and its quality, cures for some forms of the disease that had previously been bearers of certain death and preventive vaccines that all but eliminate risks of other forms—these have been the fruits of decades of ever-advancing cancer research. Survivorship has increased, and for…...

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Testicular Cancer Awareness Month – Reinventing What It Means to “Man Up”

The phrase “man up” has long been associated with societal expectations for men to appear strong and stoic, and to hide emotions like fear and discomfort. It implies that to be a man, one must constantly be in control, and asking for help or discussing health issues is frowned upon.…...

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Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month: Possible Link to Mental Health Disorders

Accounting for approximately 3% of cancer cases nationwide, the symptoms of head and neck cancer are particularly uncomfortable. Head and neck cancer refers to tumors that develop around the throat, larynx, nose, sinus and mouth. As these areas support vital bodily functions, such as eating and breathing, the symptoms can…...

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Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month: Identifying Potential for New, Personalized Treatments

Although esophageal cancer makes up only 1% of cancer diagnoses in the United States, it is among the most difficult cancers to treat. Esophageal cancer affects the esophagus, the tube which connects the throat to the stomach. The five-year survival rate for this cancer is just 18% – due in…...

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Trending Improvements for Multiple Myeloma

While it may not be an extremely common cancer, multiple myeloma, awareness of which is highlighted throughout the month of March, remains a severe life-threatening disease. Multiple myeloma is a cancer affecting plasma cells within the bone marrow. With the cancer impacting plasma cells, individuals living with multiple myeloma have…...

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Rhabdomyosarcoma: The Muscle Cancer That Isn’t

In a proof-positive that cancer research still has miles to cover, a pediatric cancer long associated with aberrant muscle cells has now been found to arise from cells that would normally develop into cells lining blood vessels. Oncologists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital researching rhabdomyosarcoma, the most prevalent soft…...

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Stomach Cancer Awareness

From the moment the calendar flips from October to November, bellies across the country start to rumble. With Thanksgiving at the end of the month, who can help but to think about the wonderful meal which awaits? Whether it be anxiously preparing for the indulgence of the holiday season or…...

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November Is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

Even in the company of other vicious diseases, pancreatic cancer is particularly nasty: The one-year relative survival rate is 20% and the five-year rate is 7%. It ranks third in cancer-related deaths in the United States, and it is expected that over 55,000 Americans will be diagnosed this year alone.…...

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