Cancer Awareness Archives - Page 12 of 14 - NFCR

Cancer Awareness

7 Facts You Need to Know About Lung Cancer

With lung cancer affecting the lives of so many people, it’s important to understand the disease and what we can do to improve our chances of beating it....

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Firefighters: Heroes in the Line of Fire

All consuming, unforgiving, destructive: adjectives easily attributable to the symptoms, treatments, diagnosis and battle with cancer. These descriptors also paint an accurate rendering of the infernos into which American fire fighters, America’s Bravest, venture unflinchingly as they perform their duty. In a recent exposé, experts uncovered a disturbing trend which…...

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Triple Negative Breast Cancer – What Every Patient Should Know

Nearly 15-20% of breast cancers are so-called “triple negative,” meaning such cancers have tested negative in pathology reports for estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, and Her2/Neu.   The growth of these cancers are not fueled by estrogen and progesterone, as are most cancers, and therefore, do not respond to hormonal therapies such as…...

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7 Facts You Need to Know About Childhood Cancers

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. As childhood cancer rates have been rising slightly for the past few decades and continue to affect the lives of children and their families worldwide, it’s important to understand it....

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5 Facts to Know about Sarcoma

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month. Deemed a “forgotten cancer” because of its rarity, sarcomas are cancers that start in bone, muscle, connective tissue, blood vessels or fat, and can be found anywhere in the body....

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8 Facts You Need to Know About Skin Cancer

May is National Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Month and Melanoma Awareness Month. As skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. and the most treatable, when caught early, it’s important to understand what you can do to protect yourself. Background: Each year there are more…...

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Improving the Delivery and Efficacy of Anti-Cancer Therapeutics

In honor of National Medical Laboratory Professional Week, we’d like to highlight a few of the many accomplishments of NFCR-funded scientist, Dr. Rakesh Jain. About Dr. Rakesh Jain Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D., Andrew Werk Cook professor of tumor biology (radiation oncology) at Harvard Medical School and director of the Edwin…...

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