Happy Birthday, Amos! Donate your birthday to cancer research | NFCR


NFCR Supporters: Amos Porter

Happy Birthday, Amos

When you hear the word “philanthropist,” who first comes to mind? A celebrity? The CEO of a Fortune 500 company? A strong-willed community leader? Of course, these may be people who fit the mold. In reality, however, a person does not need prestige or a large bank account to help others. All one needs to be a philanthropist is a kind heart and motivation to support a cause or an organization.

Amos Porter is such a person, and his story is a delight.

A social, spirited boy who enjoys swimming, wrestling and riding his bike, Amos celebrated his 9th birthday two summers ago with a pool party. Rather than receiving gifts from his friends, he asked that they make donations to the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR).

Amos has a strong reason to support NFCR. Almost three years ago, his father, Phil, was diagnosed with tonsillar cancer, a cancer of the throat. Fortunately, after receiving excellent care from his surgical team at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, as well as 30 treatments of proton radiation therapy, he was able to beat the cancer. To honor his father’s cancer journey, Amos decided to celebrate his birthday in a special way, raising $835 for NFCR!

In May 2018, Phil was treated for two tumors in his right lung which spread from his original throat cancer. Thanks in part to regular screenings and early detection, doctors have been able to surgically remove the tumors and he has made a total recovery and is enjoying life with his family.

Inspired by his father’s second cancer victory, Amos decided to continue his fundraising efforts on behalf of NFCR for his 11th birthday and created the “Stand with Amos” fund. 

Amos’s story is a perfect reminder that you’re never too young or too old to make a difference. Follow Amos’s lead and start your own fundraiser to support life-saving cancer research >>

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