As cancer drug therapies continue to improve and oncology research gives patients more options, treatments and time, winning the war against cancer is a goal increasingly within reach. However, whether removing a tumor, limb, breast or node, or administering a groundbreaking new chemotherapy or targeted therapy—these represent the ability only…...
Quartet of NFCR Scientists Publishes Papers in Immediate Succession
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 16, 2018 CONTACT: National Foundation for Cancer Research Bradley Gillenwater, Senior Director for Global Programs & Communications E-mail: / Phone: 301-961-9161 The Three Articles Offer Possible Bases for Brain Cancer Treatments, Insight into Somatic Mutations ROCKVILLE, MD – A trio of papers co-authored by…...
Play4TheCure Summer Series 2018
The Play4TheCure team is excited to take our fundraising activities on the road this Spring and Summer as we visit Minor League Baseball teams around Maryland and Virginia! Our partnership with Minor League Baseball (MiLB) was initiated by one of our motivated youth ambassadors, Ally Minker. Minker partnered with Carolina…...
Douglas Lowy & John Schiller: An Ounce of Prevention
When Douglas R. Lowy, M.D., and John T. Schiller, Ph.D., receive the 2018 Albert Szent-Györgyi Prize for Cancer Research, it will set a precedent for the honor itself. By creating an effective vaccine for the human papillomavirus (HPV), cause of practically all cervical tumors, Lowy and Schiller forged a means…...
Hail, Bounteous May!
May is Cancer Research Awareness Month, a time highlighting the vital role of study and experimentation in the quest for cancer cures. As such, it is a particularly special month for the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR). If fact, our Svent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research ceremony, NFCR’s…...