Lucy Elicker Stanovick, an English professor, writer, wife and mother of two, received the news that she had Stage IV metastatic breast cancer in April 2008. Although active, health conscious and just 42 years old, she was faced suddenly with her mortality: Stage IV metastatic breast cancer cannot be cured,…...
September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month
To bring attention to leukemia and lymphoma, Congress in 2010 designated September as Blood Cancer Awareness Month. These diseases are diagnosed in 14,000 people monthly within the United States. But with advances in treatment and technologies yielding earlier and earlier detection, the overall five-year relative survival rate for leukemia has…...
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Since 1999, September has been recognized as National Prostate Awareness Month. In this month, health professionals, researchers, survivors and families take special efforts to increase public knowledge, promote screening, increase education and support research. In 2018, it is estimated that nearly 165,000 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with…...
The Development of Better Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers
Mark It Down “The trouble with ultrasound is that it doesn’t detect many ovarian cancers early,” says Robert Bast, M.D., Vice President for Translational Research at MD Andersen Cancer Center in Houston. Moreover, “Ultrasound doesn’t see really small cancers in the ovary.” It is a case in point of the…...