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Early Cancer Screening 101

True fact: It was nearly a century ago, in 1924, when a Johns Hopkins doctor by the apt name of John Bloodgood predicted in a New York Times editorial that early detection of cancer would wipe the disease form humanity in one fell swoop. As of yet, that particular future…...

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Student-Athlete Spotlight: Delaney Snowden

Delaney Snowden proves that, with dedication and determination, anyone can make a difference.   ...

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Bea Mintz: The Pioneer of Transgenics—and So Much More

Changing a cancerous cell into a normal cell would seem to be the very definition of a holy grail: a lofty goal that is all but impossible to achieve. And yet, it has already been done. It was 1975 when the seminal work of Dr. Beatrice (“Bea”) Mintz showed how…...

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A Healthy Thanksgiving

Keeping a healthy and balanced diet is a year-long hassle, but many people grant themselves a bit of leeway around the holidays. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, the warm aroma of turkey and gravy is making nearly everyone anxious for the day of guilt-free indulgence. Unfortunately, there is likely…...

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Q&A with Play4TheCure Team Garrison Forest

In an interview Team Parent and Fundraising Coordinator, Brian McComas, revealed how the team became involved with Play4TheCure and what contributed to their success....

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A Cherished, Golden Reunion

  The North Arlington High School class of 1966, of North Arlington, New Jersey, had their 50-year class reunion two years ago. Many of the attendees had not seen each other for decades, some even since graduating. Old friends rekindled their relationships, including Barry Pearlman and Stephen Kross, who, over…...

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Thanksgiving Recipe: Soup or Side Dish—or Both!

The National Foundation for Cancer Research expresses our appreciation to chef German Lam, a cancer survivor who has been profiled in our Faces & Voices of Cancer—In Depth series, as well as on the FVC website, for offering this delicious base recipe of his to our readers. Perfect for Thanksgiving!…...

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Crizotinib Plus Radiation May Reduce NF2-Related Hearing Loss

A study co-authored by National Foundation for Cancer Research Fellow Dr. Rakesh Jain hints that adding the cancer drug crizotinib to the radiation therapy for tumors associated with neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) may lessen the hearing loss that often precipitates from radiotherapy. Although not a cancer, NF2 is characterized by benign…...

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Team Spotlight: George Washington University Club Field Hockey

“No matter who you are, cancer has most likely affected you in some way,” explains Jackie Clarke, GW Club Field Hockey Community Service Chair, on why founders chose Play4TheCure and how it became a tradition. “Due to the unfortunate wide range of cancers that can affect friends, family, and loved…...

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Stomach Cancer Awareness

From the moment the calendar flips from October to November, bellies across the country start to rumble. With Thanksgiving at the end of the month, who can help but to think about the wonderful meal which awaits? Whether it be anxiously preparing for the indulgence of the holiday season or…...

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