Be Like Amos – Our 9 Year Old Philanthropist
The NFCR staff was touched by this very special donation. Read his story and share it freely with others. It made our day and we hope it makes yours as well. Meet Amos, our now famous, 9 year old Philanthropist:
From left to right: Arlo (5), Amos (9), and Phil
Less than one year ago, Amos’ father, Phil, experienced a sore throat and noticed a spot on the back of his throat. Phil went to see his general practitioner as well as an ENT doctor who made the diagnosis, tonsillar cancer. Phil received extraordinary treatment from his surgical team at UPENN followed by thirty treatments of proton radiation therapy to beat his cancer.
A member of a close-knit family, Amos is a sociable, spirited, great boy who loves to wrestle, ride his bike and swim. He just celebrated his ninth birthday at a local pool. In place of gift-giving, the family thought they could help make a difference. Amos asked his friends to contribute to the National Foundation for Cancer Research in honor of his father’s successful battle with cancer. He collected an impressive $130.00 that became $260.00 since it was received during the NFCR Matching Gift Campaign!
Amos, his parents and his little brother, Arlo, decided to donate to NFCR “since they research all types of cancers and they have a great reputation.”
Amos is proud to help fund NFCR because his father benefited so much from cancer research! Phil is doing very well now and gives credit to his doctors and his family.
NFCR salutes Amos for his generosity and compassion! This generosity also says a lot about his family. The world needs more 9 year olds like Amos. What a wonderful family. What a wonderful heartfelt gift.
Please share this story – you can make a difference with this one simple act. Use and spread the cheer. Also you can Be like Amos and make a difference. Donate here.
With permission from Amos and his family, we shared this post on FaceBook and Twitter. Today, BeLikeAmos has now just exceeded ONE THOUSAND views – making it one of the most popular posts at NFCR. With all the strife and shouting out there in the world ….isn’t it time for more of us to Be Like Amos- and quietly make a difference.Every voice and every donation – big and small – makes a difference. Thank you Amos and thanks family and friends and donors. By funding Cancer Research, you are helping to save lives!