Cancer Research Breakthroughs Archives - Page 4 of 6 - NFCR

Cancer Research Breakthroughs

An Evening Honoring Tremendous Achievement in Cancer Prevention

The National Foundation for Cancer Research’s (NFCR) annual marquee event was held in Washington, DC on Saturday evening, May 5th. The 2018 Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research ceremony and dinner occasioned much, including a gathering of NFCR principals and scientists, communication of the Foundation’s mandate, messages from the…...

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Quartet of NFCR Scientists Publishes Papers in Immediate Succession

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 16, 2018 CONTACT: National Foundation for Cancer Research Bradley Gillenwater, Senior Director for Global Programs & Communications E-mail: / Phone: 301-961-9161 The Three Articles Offer Possible Bases for Brain Cancer Treatments, Insight into Somatic Mutations     ROCKVILLE, MD – A trio of papers co-authored by…...

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A new study on Gliblastoma supported by NFCR just published

In a press release from Massachusetts General Hospital titled, “Glioma subtypes determine how the dangerous brain tumors spread, evade anti-angiogenic treatment” the research of NFCR Fellow, Rakesh Jain, Ph.D. is highlighted as published online in Cancer Cell in April, 2018. The study describes, “how different molecular subtypes of glioma cells use different strategies…...

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Medical Coalition Led Largely by NFCR Unites to Battle Glioblastoma

Medical knowledge of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the deadliest form of brain cancer, has grown exponentially, but has not resulted in marked improvements in treatment for patients. Addressing this is GBM AGILE (GBM Adaptive Global Innovative Learning Environment), a global medical and scientific coalition that is the first platform trial for…...

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New Test Developed for Pre-Cancerous Barrett’s Esophagus

In recognition of Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month, this National Foundation for Cancer Research post offers a look at a significant diagnostic advancement for a risk factor associated with the terrible disease. A new test for Barrett’s esophagus, a precancerous forerunner of the much deadlier esophageal adenocarcinoma, is in clinical trials…...

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Flu Virus Harnessed to Fight Pancreatic Cancer

Led by Dr. Gunnel Halldén of Queen Mary University in London, a team of scientists modified a common flu virus to successfully inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer. The new technique could potentially become a promising new treatment for patients with the aggressive disease, and could be combined with existing…...

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Researchers Develop Antibody to Fight Colorectal Cancer

President Bill Clinton declared March Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in 2000, highlighting a disease that represents eight percent of all new cancers diagnosed yearly and, out of the estimated 135,430 people who developed it just last year, caused an estimated 50,260 deaths in the United States alone. As outlined in…...

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Genomic Computational Mapping and Nutritional Supplementation in Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a bone marrow cancer that affects plasma cells. Bone marrow is the soft and spongy tissue which resides in the cavities of many of our bones. It is rich in cells which produce new blood cells....

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Study Better Predicts Stomach Cancer

Although stomach (AKA gastric) cancer is the third deadliest cancer in the world, claiming an estimated 10,960 lives in the United States alone in 2017, it remains one of the more difficult cancers to notice and detect. Indeed, more than two-thirds of patients are diagnosed only after the disease is…...

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