Dialogue With Leading Oncologists
The Dialogue with Leading Oncologists is a complimentary program of the National Foundation for Cancer Research, allowing cancer patients, family, caretakers and other members of the public the opportunity to:
- See and hear from world-renowned cancer physicians
- Engage them with medical questions related to cancer treatment and prevention
- Learn of standard-of-care cancer treatments, notable ongoing clinical trials and potentially transformative research discoveries
- Receive suggestions on how to better communicate with your own oncologists and nurses
Shortly afterward, each session will be available on-demand through our digital community, the Oncology Metaverse.
Past Sessions:
Featured Oncologists:

Brian Leyland-Jones, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief Medical Officer, AIM-HI Accelerator Fund
Member, NFCR Board of Directors
Expertise : Breast Cancer, Cancer Genomics

W. K. Alfred Yung, M.D.
Professor of Neuro-Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Member, NFCR Scientific Advisory Board
Expertise: Brain Cancer, Cancer Genomics