Clinical Trial Platforms: NFCR Research Focus Areas

Clinical Research and Trial Platforms

Clinical Research and Trial Platforms

What is Clinical Research and Trial Platforms?

Conducting rigorous clinical trials is essential for evaluating the safety and efficacy of new cancer therapies, screening tests, and prevention approaches before they can be approved for widespread use. Novel clinical trial designs and research platforms are continuously being developed to accelerate this process.

Innovations in clinical research include enrichment strategies selecting patients most likely to respond, adaptive trials modifying parameters based on interim data, master protocols evaluating multiple therapies simultaneously, and platform trials rapidly screening multiple candidate treatments. These approaches aim to increase trial efficiency, minimize patient burden, and identify optimal treatments faster. 


  • NFCR supports the development and implementation of innovative clinical trial designs that accelerate the testing of promising cancer therapies.
  • Through its collaborative networks, NFCR helps connect researchers with clinical trial resources and expertise, facilitating the translation of laboratory discoveries into clinical studies.
  • NFCR funds projects that aim to improve patient participation in clinical trials, particularly focusing on underrepresented populations.

NFCR-Supported Researchers Working on Clinical Research and Trial Platforms

Manijeh Goldberg, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts

Manijeh Goldberg, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts

Cesare Spadoni, Ph.D., M.B.A.
University of London

Ronald A. DePinho, M.D.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Yung-Chi Cheng, Ph.D.

Yung-Chi Cheng, Ph.D.
Yale University

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NFCR Congratulates GCAR on its New Partnership & GBM AGILE Expansion

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